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iAiB iCiD iEiF iGiH iIiJ iKiL iMiN iOiP iQiR iSiT iUiV iWiX iYiZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
ICEMACS packaged tube ice 7
IDEAL ice cream +oval 30, 32
IGLOO ice cream +bear 30
INFLARYL ice-gel 5
IOTA ice creams +oval 30
JAC ice creams +oval 30
JAMAAI ice cream +spiral 30
JAS & MEY ice cream 30
JAY DEV ice cream +ovals 30
JAYKAYS ice creams 30
JBN ice candy +fruits 30
JILL ice creams +crown 30
JILMIL ice cream +ribbon 30
JOHNSON ice cream +boy girl 30
JOY the cream of ice creams 30
JUMANI ice cream 30
JUNO ice cream +cartoons 30
JYOTI ice candy in devnagar 30
K.P. QUALITY BIG-G ice crea 30
KAILACY ice cream pasta 30
KALRA ice cream 30
KAMATH'S natural ice cream 30
KAPOOR ice-cream +chef 30
KARLOVA ice cream 30
KATHIYAWAD ice cream +spira 30
KAVNDER ice cream +oval 16
KAWRE ice kream 29
KI KAMDHENU ice cream +oval 30
KING'S ice cream +ovals 29
KIWI ice cream 29
KLEAN-ice 11
KOHINOOR ice-cream +face 30
KOOL CAT ice cream parlour 30
KRISH ice-cream +oval 30
KRISHNA ice cream 30
KRISHNA ice cream +oval 30
KRUSHNAI ice creme +oval 30
KUBE ice 30
KUKKU ice creams 30
KUTTY'S ice cream 30
KVK SAICHETHAN ice cream 30
KWALITY ice cream 30
LALZA ice cream +boy 30
LAZZA ice cream GUD BUD 30
LAZZA ice-cream 30
LEO ice cream 30
LILY WHITE ice creams 30
LIMONCELLO ice 30, 42
LIPTON ice tea 30, 32
LIPTON ice tea sparkling 30
LIRIL ice cream +circles 30
LIRIL ice cream +hearts 30
LUCKY ice cream 30
LUCKY ice cream +trophy ova 30
MAHAVIR ice cream +ovals 43
MAHAVIR ice-cream parlour 30
MAK THE REAL ice cream 30
MANCHAY ice cream +penguins 30
MANJIT ice cream 30
MAR MAID ice cream +oval 30
MARRINO 21 ice cream +face 30
MASQATI ice cream +cow 30
MAST STAR ice candy +boy 30
MASTANI ice cream 29
MASTANI ice cream +oval 30
MC. DUCK ice cream 30
MCDOWELL'S fire & ice 33
MEERA ice cream & juice 30
MERIDIAN ice creams 30
MERRY MILK BUDDY ice cream 30
METRO ice cream 30
METRO the dairy ice cream 29, 30
MILAP ice-cream 30
MILK MAGIC ice cream 30
MILK MAGIC ice creams +girl 30
MILKY WHITE ice creams 30
MONA ice cream +face 30
MONIKA ice cream +dish 29, 30
MOR 'N' MOR ice-cream 30
MOTHER DAIRY +ice cream 32
MOTHER'S ice cream +ovals 30
MOTHI ice creams +shell 30
MOUNT ice cream 30
MOUNT FRESH ice cream 29
MT MILK TREAT ice cream 30
MTR softee ice cream 30
MULBERRY ice cream 30
MW ice creams & fast food 29, 30
NATURAL ice cream of juhu 7, 30, 32
NAVJIVAN ice cream 30
NAVRATRI ice cream 30
NECTAR ice creams 30
NELLS ice cream +oval & arc 30
NEW JANTA ice cream 30
NEW MADULI ice cream +oval 30
NEW REGAL ice cream 30
NEWRANG ice cream +oval 30
NISHIG ANDHA ice cream 30
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